6 March 2012 / #Powercli

vCheck 6.10 update


Yesterday, Alan Renouf released the last vCheck script version, aka version 6.10


It’s been a while since we worked on ii in order to give Alan some feedback, bug track and enhancements, and after looking at this 6.10 version, a lot of stuff have been keeped, that’s cool ! Here is the 6.# branch changelog :

  • 6.10 – Fixed multiple spelling mistakes and small plugin issues
  • 6.9 – Fixed VMKernel logs but had to remove date/Time parser due to inconsistent VMKernel Log entries
  • 6.8 – Added Creator of snapshots back in due to popular demand
  • 6.7 – Added Multiple plugins from contributors – Thanks!
  • 6.6 – Tech Support Mode Plugin fixed to work with 5.0 hosts
  • 6.5 – HW Version plugin fixed due to string output
  • 6.4 – Added a 00 plugin and VeryLastPlugin for vCenter connection info to separate the report entirely from VMware if needed.
  • 6.3 – Changed the format of each Plugin so you can include a count for each header and altered plugin layout for each plugin.
  • 6.2 – Added Time to Run section based on TimeToBuild by Frederic Martin
  • 6.1 – Bug fixes, filter for ps1 files only in the plugins folder so other files can be kept in the plugins folder.

The vCheck script is still available here :, the plugin repository is available here :

Among available plugins, here are the ones we made with or which we contributed to (mainly thoses made for v5, see the post vCheck v5++):

General Information

DescriptionGeneral details on the infrastructure
AuthorAlan Renouf, Frederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Snapshot Information

DescriptionVMware snapshots which are kept for a long period of time may cause issues, filling up datastores and also may impact performance of the virtual machine.
AuthorAlan Renouf, Raphael Schitz
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Hosts Dead Lun Path

DescriptionDead LUN Paths may cause issues with storage performance or be an indication of loss of redundancy
AuthorAlan Renouf, Frederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

VMs Ballooning or Swapping

DescriptionBallooning and swapping may indicate a lack of memory or a limit on a VM, this may be an indication of not enough memory in a host or a limit held on a VM, [](further information is available here).
AuthorAlan Renouf, Frederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Number of VMs per Datastore

DescriptionThe Maximum number of VMs per datastore is 256, the following VMs are above the defined $NumVMsPerDatastore and may cause performance issues
AuthorAlan Renouf, Frederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Hardware status warnings/errors

DescriptionDetails can be found in the Hardware Status tab
AuthorRaphael Schitz
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Guests with wrong OS

DescriptionThe following virtual machines contain operating systems other than the ones selected in the VM configuration.
AuthorFrederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Guest OS Pivot table

DescriptionList of Guest OS sum
AuthorFrederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Unwanted virtual hardware found

DescriptionCertain kinds of hardware are unwanted on virtual machines as they may cause unnecessary vMotion constraints.
AuthorFrederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Snapshot removed

AuthorRaphael Schitz, Frederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Snapshots Oversize

AuthorRaphael Schitz
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Snapshot created

AuthorRaphael Schitz, Frederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Mis-named virtual machines

DescriptionThe following guest names do not match the name inside of the guest.
AuthorFrederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Host Build versions in use

DescriptionThe following host builds are in use in this vCenter
AuthorFrederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Disk Max Total Latency

DescriptionCheck vm per LUN dispatch and esxtop for very high values over $diskmaxtotallatency
AuthorRaphael Schitz, Frederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Datastores in Maintenance Mode

DescriptionDatastore held in Maintenance mode will not be hosting any virtual machine, check the below Datastore are in an expected state
AuthorFrederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Cluster Node version

DescriptionDisplay per cluster nodes version if unique or mismatch
AuthorRaphael Schitz, Frederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Capacity Planning

DescriptionThe following gives brief capacity information for each cluster based on average CPU/Mem usage and counting for HA failover requirements
AuthorRaphael Schitz, Frederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

Plugins not up to date or not installed

DescriptionThe following Plugins are not up to date or not installed
AuthorAlan Renouf, Jake Robinson, Frederic Martin
DownloadDownload here and save in your plugins folder

In order to enable theses plugins, you just have to put them in the vCheck script Plugin folder, and they’ll be automatically activated.

This time, we also made a custom header we like (and it’s with the colors of ESXi).


In order to make this right, you just have to rename it Header.jpg and put it at the root folder of vCheck.ps1 script and to setup the following color in the script configuration file GlobalVariables.ps1 :

# Use the following area to define the title color
 $Colour1 = "555555"

> Frederic MARTIN