12 April 2013 / #Powercli

Hail to the vOpenData baby !

Here is a quick post talking about vOpenData project on which we had the chance to offer our assistance with hypervisor.fr


I will not detail all the project history (you can get it in the must-read posts from William Lam vOpenData: An Open Virtualization Community Database or from Ben Thomas vOpenData – Crunching Everyone’s Data For Fun And Knowledge), but basically, vOpenData is a community based statistics database (giving us some answers for eternal questions as What is the average size of VMDK? or What is the average consolidation ratio?)

The project is composed with a small script (Perl or PowerCLI, pick one!) available from GitHub (https://github.com/vopendata/scripts) which will gather some statistics from your environnement (fully anonymously, there is no name, only UUID are reported), and the www.vopendata.org website which will let you upload the gathered data.

In the end, the result is just amazing, in just a few minute you’ll have uploaded your stats which will be displayed on a huge dashboard (combining all data gathered from community) available on http://dash.vopendata.org/public :


As you guessed out, all the project is based on community effort, so we count on you to participate, come visit and support www.vopendata.org !

> Frederic MARTIN