Veeam and SexiLog Event
For those who are interested by SexiLog and/or Veeam™, or those who wish to have deeper knowledge about these two (awesome ^^) tools integration, we will animate an event organized by Veeam™.
This session named « A better understanding of your log and keep your infrastructure in good health this summer! » will be a live « Veeam Whiteboard » that will occur on July 23th 2015 starting at 02h PM.
Note: This session will be presented in French
The purpose of this whiteboard will be to present you SexiLog (quite the same as we did on last Elastic meetup) and to explain deeper the integration with Veeam Backup™ (reviewing pre-defined dashboards and what’s possible to achieve with those).
Since it will be broadcast live, you will be able to ask all the questions you have, we will try to answer the best we can 🙂
For those who would like to sign up and/or wish to get additionnal information on this event, you can find all you need on this dedicated page:
Finally, here is a french summary of the session:
Veeam et Sexilog vous présentent : Mieux comprendre vos logs et gardez votre infrastructure en bonne santé cet été ! Jeudi 23 Juillet 14:00 СEST (GMT+2:00)
SexiLog est une appliance VMware de la suite ELK spécialement configurée et optimisée pour les logs d’ESXi. L’importante configuration de Logstash et les nombreux dashboard Kibana embarqués vous permettent de surveiller la santé de votre infrastructure vSphere en temps réel et de prendre le recul nécessaire pour traiter vos incidents. En cas de problèmes, Logstash transfert à Riemann qui vous enverra un résumé des alertes par mail.
We wanted to thanks a lot Samir and Veeam™ to let us present you SexiLog!
Your VMware logs, supercharged.
Whiteboard video is available here: